Sunday, July 10, 2005

alert all forces, get ready to attack...

he probably hides under an old plaggy mac

the TWAT video is on the internets!!! doop diddly oop do doooo!

i've uploaded it to a free hosting site called
anyone on ntl or with a internet provider that uses proxy-servers may have problems -if so let me know and i'll try to host it somewhere else

TWAT video TWAT video TWAT video TWAT video

***edit*** is a piece of shit so i will have to find an alternative place to host the it.. one day the world will bow down to the majesty of the twat video ***edit***

i'll also put the file in my shared folder on soulseek

the collectors edition DVD will follow shortly - including director's commentary and a "making of" featurette. This video does not include the talentless weirdoes "controversial" final song which was aborted before offense was caused to a certain other nameless group.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

for those like me who have never seen a computer never mind used one, how can I the afore mentioned none computer know'er, see'er or us'er view this ere video? Or if I asked my special friend who has used, seen and know a computer who whou they peep at the wonder that was once very nice in the school on the trailer

1:27 AM  

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